Evidence Based Results on Engagement activities


Please I'll like to hear your thoughts on the above mentioned.

We have lots of staff engagement activities like Quarterly Birthdays celebrations, Family Fun Fairs, Sports Days, End of Year Parties etc where good amount of money is spent.

Now the Management are asking more than ever before, the results of such activities which should be backed by evidence! 

I know that the expectations are usually around high engagement and commitment which would lead to improved performance and productivity as well as low turnover. 

Thus, I'll be keen to know how you've handle/handling such at your respective spaces. 


  • Hi Martin
    Prima facie challenging to find metrics on this count.
    I suggest measuring productivity
    Measuring collaboration on inter departmental projects proxied by cycle time for project completion and impact of projects
    Engagement index as well, attrition rate
    Participation rate to the events is a direct metric and the turnaround is a clear indication of sense of belonging/ duty
    I suggest you take as many pictures as possible which you can post on an intranet
    People feel valued and happy when their picture is broadcasted
    Trust this helps
  • I'd suggest you use a really well-validated measure such as the Gallop 12. You won't be able to draw a direct link from a Family Fun Fair to higher productivity in one bound, but you should be able to draw some conclusions about morale and engagement from the survey results and present evidence to demonstrate how engagement has been found to feed into employee retention, productivity etc.
  • In reply to Reena:

    Thanks Reena, i'll take into consideration all that you've raised.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thanks Elizabeth, I need to really refresh my memory on Gallop 12.