CIPD Applied Research Conference 2017


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CIPD Staff

9 Oct, 2017 13:10

ARC 2017: Thursday 30th November – Friday 1st December. University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow.

Hoping you can join us at the CIPD Applied Research Conference 2017! We have a crackling line up for just £60+VAT.

The Applied Research Conference (ARC) is an annual meeting place for researchers and practitioners working in people management, employment policy and related fields. It is an interdisciplinary conference that covers a wide range of aspects of people management, employment, learning and development and organisational development. In all research papers presented, we set out to discuss the practical application of insights to organisational life and labour markets.

This year, ARC is hosted in Glasgow by University of Strathclyde Business School, named Business School of the Year 2016 in the Times Higher Education Awards.

The conference starts on the evening of Thurs 30 November with practical workshops. The main programme on Friday 1 December centres on 35 research papers grouped into 15 thematic streams. We are also delighted to welcome keynote presentations from Professor Kim Hoque and Dr Lisa Cameron MP talking on disability at work, and Professor Eva Demerouti on work engagement and job crafting.

ARC holds a unique place in strengthening links between academic research and HR practice. Join us to hear about cutting edge research, discuss how it can be applied in policy and practice, and network with like-minded researchers and practitioners.

The full programme and booking information is available at http://www.cipd.co.uk/arc 

Our programme is heaving with great themes. Topics include job quality and fair work … ‘socially irresponsible HR’ and ‘putting humanity back’ into HR …  volunteer mentoring and coaching … the gig economy and unpaid internships … ‘the myth of devolution’ in the delivery of HR … employee voice and ‘do unions create dissatisfaction?’ … caregiving fathers and women going through menopause … new tech, including the use of Fitbits to gather employee data ... performance management & pay … the career transitions of HR graduates … I could go on! 

Hope to see you there. And always grateful if you can help promote the conference across your networks.