Evidence-Based HR - Some Resources to Get You Started

I'm sure CIPD and others will be posting and producing much more about evidence-based HR but I thought it might be useful to put up an early post with links to some current resources:

  1. The Center for Evidence-Based Management has a lot of articles, presentations, tools and other resources to help you understand and get going with evidence-based practice - https://www.cebma.org/
  2. This is an article which explains the basic principles of evidence-based practice:  https://www.cebma.org/wp-content/uploads/Evidence-Based-Practice-The-Basic-Principles.pdf
  3. There are various articles in HR Magazine about Evidence-Based HR - this is a piece by Katie Jacob's which provides a great overview of Evidence-Based HRhttp://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/evidence-based-hr-under-the-microscope
  4. The Center for Evidence-Based Management also has a YouTube channel which you might find useful:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHkZ7DG5-tFXuBUjPKxK-pA

Perhaps if you have other resources you could reply and add them?