Engaging Effectively Remotely With Other Humans

Covid-19 has pushed further up my to do list tracking down and sharing effective mediums that enhance relationships and foster collaboration, communication and learning where those involved don't work in the same place. 

My workplace has been an effective early adopter of Teams technology; using it for camera on meetings and the comments box creates opportunity for emoji / chat engagement too.  This works well for meetings / 'tell' type session

I am keen to learn from others both techniques and technologies that you know work well especially where the nature of face to face time together in the same location would have benefitted from

  • reading body language and 
  • groups having activities (role plays, break out sessions, use of whiteboard or flip charts). 

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Susan, Although you posted this ages ago the recent happenings may have answered your questions pretty comprehensively by now. Here's my very long-winded take on it:
    My workplace has started working a lot more with Teams since March with the rise of working from home. Prior to that we were and still are using GoToMeeting. A really useful tool allowing us to be face to face and in a group setting which allows for interpreting body language/facial expressions. Emails/texts are so easily misunderstood because we can't see the expressions of the person talking and we can't hear the tone in which they are speaking. We understand each other so much more when we can see the other people even if it is only on a screen.
    Screen sharing has allowed for useful group activities and training for us. One of the best things that I have seen is the use of Zoom. A customer on the Isle of Man had an issue with their equipment and due to lockdown we couldn't send our engineer there. He set up a Zoom meeting, was able to see the problem and talk the customer through getting the equipment repaired and restarted. We now have a 'virtual engineer'!
    Simon Sinek conducts daily briefings on Zoom and one participant was sitting there resplendent in a white wig and a tiara - brilliant!
    It all still needs a bit of refining, but it's happening now as we all learn to use this tech to its full advantage.
    “For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. -Stephen Hawking