Stephen Taylor's labor market model...


I have a request here. I am currently looking for some relevant study material for Stephen Taylor's labor market model. However, I am unable to find it. May I please request to the community here if they can share some links here where I can read about this model in detail.

  • Hi Abha and welcome to the communities
    If you are looking for the original text(s), you should start with ST's "People Resourcing" (2005), supplemented with the more recent "Resourcing and Talent Management" (2014). I'm sure the CIPD library can help......
  • In reply to Ray:

    Thank you Ray! I shall check the CIPD library now.

    Such a help to be part of this community.

    Kind Regards


  • In reply to Abha:

    :-) that's what we're there for
    Keep coming back as you make progess and develop targetted questions !
  • Was this helpful to you ? I am also looking for some material and did not find what I was searching fro in the CIPD website....
  • In reply to Frédérique:

    Googling 'Taylor Labour Market Model' throws up an absolute plethora of links. As usual, sources of links vary enormously and a lot of selectivity and critical sifting is required, but that's in itself an absolutely vital skill that almost any serious researcher in almost any discipline of serious study needs to develop.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Hi Ray. Where would I find the CIPD Library mentioned here? Or am I overthinking it, is it simply the articles accessed via CIPD search function?
  • Hi Abha, I am currently working on Resourcing and Talent planning assignment and struggling to find Stephen Taylor's labor market model. Do you have anything that you can share with me please? Thank you in advance. Payal]
  • In reply to Payal Kshirsagar:

    I am also struggling to find the same. I keep pulling information up on Matthew Taylor's review, but I assume this is something different? Did you find anything useful when you were researching?