Are you considering the automation of roles and what impact will this have?

What are your organisation's plans to address the tight labour market? Are they considering the automation of roles and the impact this may have?

  • Sarah,

    Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your first post. I feel like I should ask Steve Bridger to create a sticky post for this answer, we give it so often.

    This question sounds like research for an assignment. We don't mind helping students with their assignments, but we do like to get a sense that they are doing some of the work themselves, so would ask you to share your own thoughts on the issue. For example, why might an organization consider automation? What sorts of roles are likely to be the principle targets for automation? What, indeed, makes you think the labour market is currently "tight" and what do you mean by that?

    Then we will be happy to offer our own thoughts.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    28 Jan, 2019 11:42

    In reply to Robey:

    Indeed. A year or two ago we crowdsourced some guidance...

    Students: please read before you post