Facebook is peaking - will this effect the world of work?

According to Facebook, over 30,000 global organisations use Facebook to connect their teams in the workplace (including Walmart, Danone and Booking.com).

The BBC has published an article explaining how Facebook has peaked and is set to decline. Will this effect you at work?


Their current challenges include:

  • GDPR,
  • a drop in users for the first time,
  • a drop in engagement,
  • and former executives speaking out against the short-term dopamine-driven feedback loops.

Are these challenges faced by other organisations too or exclusive to Facebook at the moment?

  • In reply to Peter:

    Completely off topic now, but I have the opposite problem - I'm Julie but prefer Jules. I sign everything as Jules, answer the phone Jules, etc., but people insist on calling me Julie!
  • Wow, out of 16 comments only 1 on topic. That has to be some sort of record!

    Anyway, back to the topic, I never really saw Facebook as a real work tool. For me Facebook has mostly been about connecting with people and posting embarassing photos and statuses after a night out. I don't even have a lot of colleagues, former or present, as Facebook friends.

    Also, the fact that the rate of new subscribers has fallen does not mean that Facebook is going anywhere. They still have hundreds of millions of active subscribers to cater for.
  • In reply to Juraj Kecso:

    I hope Facebook count their customers better than you count posts on-topic Juraj :-)

    ...and since when has staying on one topic been required? The salient points were made by Ray's first post six months ago and both you and I have agreed with and added to them, as well as taking a little tour through English Grammar.

    Some people would call that multi-tasking :-)
