Good training and equipment more valuable than a large workforce - lessons from Boadicea

The BBC has published some life lessons worth learning from Boadicea – One of them is that a well-trained and well-equipped team is better than simply having a large workforce (e.g. her huge army did not overpower the disciplined Romans).

Have you learnt any other useful work tips from historical figures?

  • Hello everyone

    I was just reading an article by Dave Ulrich: www.hrdconnect.com/.../

    It appears he has also thought about lessons from historical figures:

    "Decades ago when I was in law school I took a course in organisational behaviour, at the time it was a new field. While I took the course mostly to fill a requirement, the professor (who has since become a friend and mentor) captured my imagination. . He challenged us to look at the organisations in our lives, be it where you work or live and figure out how they shape who you are and what you do. He urged us to read novels, go to the movies and apply these to the organisational principles we were learning about. This led to me to writing papers such as ‘Beowulf – the ideal organisation man’ or ‘Shakespeare’s sources of power in King Lear’. "
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Precisely: Use the historical (or literary) examples of how the principles are used as lessons, but do not try to make your organisation fit the model of a medieval mead-hall, or model your business ethics on King Lear :-)

    ...Or feel you should!