Preventing racism before it gets to the workplace

How far do you agree with Chantale Phinda, law student at University of Exeter that influencing the attitudes of tomorrow’s workforce is far better than punishing bad behaviour when it comes to racism and misogyny?



  • Quite right. But tackling racism also should begin at home and in school.
  • "Personally, I do not believe the perpetrators were racist, meaning they didn’t actually believe what they were saying or say them with the intent of degrading another race. The fact that they felt comfortable joking about such issues, even in a private setting, highlights a big problem. "

    If I had my way one of the things we would drop from our lexicon and our behavior is "banter" which seems to have become increasingly popular as a way of expressing and validating these sorts of opinions. The retort is typically "it's only a bit of banter" meaning - we didn't really mean any harm - it was just a bit of innocent fun. As social beings who want to belong and many of us are tempted to go along with this "banter" - rarely acknowledging the damage it does.
  • The second screen grab in the BBC article is a quote from a film - Four Lions (the one about radicalising moderates). It is written and directed by Chris Morris behind shows such as Spitting Image and Brass Eye. It was part funded by Film4. Morris consulted many groups whilst writing.

    The film is a dark comedy about radicalised young British Muslim men but is very much "Dad's Army" side to terrorism. The quote in the screenshot is by a character called Barry - a mouthy white guy who has converted to Islam. He is more extreme than the others and generally annoys them with comments like these.

    I have seen the post spread in a number of places but I felt it was important to add context. NOT to condone what else was said or any malicious intent behind.