What do we mean by job 'quality'?

Steve Bridger

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Community Manager

11 Apr, 2018 15:37

Earlier today CIPD launched a really important piece of our UK Working Lives agenda. Our purpose is to champion 'better work and working lives' and studying job quality is a vital part of this mission. 

The UK Working Lives report (and summary) are available to download and while the survey behind the report represents the first comprehensive measure of job quality in the UK, I was particularly drawn to the seven dimensions of job quality - the Job Quality Index - distinct but interlinked criteria which can be used to measure overall job quality. 

There's far more detail here and in the report, but I thought I'd pick out the criteria below...

Money - Pay, benefits and pensions

Terms of employment - Contract type, job security and development opportunities

Job design and the nature of work - Workload, qualifications and skills, empowerment and meaningful work

Social support and cohesion - Relationships at work, psychological safety, people management

Health and well-being - Physical and mental health

Work–life balance - Overwork, commuting, access to flexible working

Voice and representation - Opportunities to have a voice at work

Here in the Community on a daily basis we touch on pretty much every single one of these - perhaps slightly less so 'voice and representation' - so I hope you find this very relevant in your own workplace context.

Happy reading... and if you have any questions out of reading the report, please post them below and I'll see what I can do to pull in the author - Jonny - to answer them :)

  • Thanks for posting the list of components Steve - interesting.

    As an oldie who qualified in the days when we still used pens with refillable ink and Berners Lee hadn't yet thought of the www I was wondering: Is this covered somewhere in the current CIPD qualifications syllabus?