'Fitness' declaration

This query doesn't specifically relate to employees, but a national confederation I'm associated with elects each year volunteer officials and asks each branch to nominate branch members. As Branch Secretary, they require me to sign the following declaration: 

"We confirm that the nominee is a member and physically and mentally able to undertake the role......"

As someone myself having a quite severe disability, I've always found having to sign this pretty unnecessary and distasteful and indeed somewhat offensive - especially as this is a body that's supposed to be representing the interests of occupational pensioners!

Am I being too fastidious here? - what do colleagues think?

  • I think you are being too fastidious David.

    The fact that you have done it for years proves that you are fit enough to do it.

    All that you do for this Community further proves your fitness.
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Thanks, Peter - was primarily thinking about being required 'sign-off' as 'fit' other nominees - sorry I didn't make that too clear!
  • In reply to David:

    I am sure they are happy with you

    I suppose it depends how well you know someone else to sign them on as 'fit'!
  • In reply to David:

    Are you able to annotate the form to say "I am not medically qualified to answer this question, but have no reason to doubt X's capability to do this role." Does seem a ridiculous thing to ask of anyone who isn't the person themselves or their GP.
  • It seems rather pointless to me David.
  • Hi David
    I share your fastidiousness on this one - i completely get that it isn't about employees - and therefore is outside my area of expertise as my prof. experience is only with employer/employee relationships - so this is my personal view on it. I wouldn't feel comfortable with the wording of the declaration as it stands, as while you can of course 'confirm' whether the nominee is a member, the latter part isn't something that you can necessarily 'confirm' without additional information. The declaration may be better worded as "We confirm that the nominee is a member and to the best of our knowledge is able to undertake the role.....'

    Ultimately, if you're uncomfortable with the wording (as I say - I would be too), then it's totally right to flag this within the Branch committee and suggest that it needs amending.
  • In reply to Ann Simpson:

    Many thanks to all for their comments - going to try flagging this up to them again.