Neurodiversity and Recruitment Research

Hello everyone,

I am a student undertaking a master’s programme in Human Resources Management and Development. As part of my programme, I am conducting a research study titled: Understanding the factors affecting the recruitment and selection of Neurodiverse individuals in the workplace.

Attached to this message is a participant information sheet which provides more information about the research. Please go through the information sheet.

Kindly proceed to the questionnaire with this link https://forms.office.com/r/sdsxpVBwG2 

You will be asked to go through a consent form before proceeding with the questions.

Responses are completely anonymous. The estimated completion time is 15 minutes.

I am happy to share the findings with any anyone who is interested.

Thank you for your anticipated response.

Kind regards,


7455.8562.Participant Information Sheet Chidimma Iheanacho.pdf

  • Hi Chidimma - I've just come across your post. How did your research pan out? I look after the Resourcing D&I strategy in my organisation and am keen to increase my knowledge in this area, if you're willing to connect I'd love to read your findings? Thanks in advance
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberly. I had a few responses which I was able to work with. I am analysing and collating the data gathered at the moment. I am happy to share my findings once I am done with the main report at the end of this month. We can connect on LinkedIn and I will share the summary findings when it is ready. Here's my LinkedIn profile link www.linkedin.com/.../
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberly. I have shared a summary report with you on LinkedIn. Hope that provides you with some useful insight.
  • Hi Chidimma, I am in my final year doing a degree in business and HRM . My final project is on Neurodiversity and recruitment and selection. I have to use secondary data, and I would be very interested in your findings. I am currently analysing my secondary data. I am dyslexic myself, so for personal reasons as well, I would find your research really interesting. If you would like to connect, I am on LinkedIn. Thanks in advance sharine