Extra paid leave for Parents and Carers

Hi, I wondered if there was any best practice being applied around paid leave for parents (or carers) who need to take short periods of time off to look after a dependent?  I'm aware of options for unpaid leave, and that traditionally a parent would take leave from their paid annual leave, but we'd like to look at more supportive options.

Many thanks

  • We allow up to five paid days per year for dependent care leave, but the caveat is that they mustn't have excess annual leave built up (we have staff who build up vast amount of TOIL and don't take as much leave as they should). If they have large amounts of annual leave they should take that instead.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    we are about to introduce up to 5 days paid and 5 days unpaid per year alongside our other options which include emergency leave, annual leave and unpaid leave. They must meet the NHS England definition of a carer and we will hold a Carers Register for them to apply to.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Many thanks, Jacqueline, that makes sense.
  • In reply to Helen:

    That's helpful. Many thanks Helen
  • Hi Debby,

    I just wanted to pop in here and share that this is one of the first questions I ask in interviews and it is a great indicator of how a company cares for its employees. I am in the middle of moving roles, but my current employer does not offer anything above statutory allowances and despite offering a generous maternity leave package, the paternity leave is only the statutory minimum.

    This is always criticized in every exit interview I have conducted and reflects in our annual engagement surveys as well. I think there is a great business case to do more in this area when it comes to being an employer of choice, and I personally feel that paternity leave (two weeks for a new Father is frankly abhorrent) is an enormous area of potential in this area too.
  • In reply to Charles:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject, Charles. I noticed an interesting article in the current edition of People Management on how a London-based charity has thought more broadly about ways to support staff with different needs in a cost neutral or low cost way, which has also given me something to reflect on.