Degree Qualification or Equivalent on JD

Hi members, 

I'm a newbie and this is my first post. I work for a disability charity and we have been challenged for asking degree qualification or equivalent on our job advert for a Fundraising role. 

Can someone please share their thoughts on asking for degree qualification or equivalent on JDs. How can we get around this without sounding like we are excluded non-degree educated candidates from applying?

Many Thanks!

  • Hi Nirmala

    First of all - welcome!

    Why is your employer asking for a degree qualification or equivalent? - do they need a particular level of subject / specialist expertise or are they just seeking people with sound general education and good numeracy literacy or analytical skills etc?
    Unless it's the former - eg if you're looking for engineers or similar qualified beyond craft-level - I'd question the whole need to ask for a degree qualification. After all, possession of a recent first degree doesn't  necessarily indicate too much these days in terms of specialist knowledge / educational attainment?.

  • Hi Nirmala,


    Can I suggest (if you're able to) just gently challenging the degree stipulation? I think a lot of managers put it almost as a default when drawing up a job description and just asking the question on whether it's genuinely really necessary might give them a moment's pause on it. Absolutely fine of course if it is necessary but just highlight the value of experience as an alternative to them and that by asking for it where it's not needed will close the job out to other talented candidates.

    Good luck!
  • In reply to David:

    Hi David,

    Thank you!

    I totally agree with you! I'm not sure why this was listed as a requirement for the role other than as Alys said below it might have been added as a 'default'.
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    Hi Alys,

    Thank you! I didn't need to challenge as this incident resulted in an mutual realisation that we need to re-look at our JD.
  • In reply to Nirmala:

    Oh great! Love it when it comes to an easy resolution!