Gender data queries

I was looking at our internal systems recently, which showed gender options as have male/female/unknown/undeclared other. I had asked the question whether our systems could be changed to add trans/non binary as options for example. I got some feedback that for HMRC reporting the employee’s current gender must be reported and HMRC accept either male or female.

How do other organisations manage this if their systems allow for other options but HRMC is only male or female?

It  also got us thinking about the gender pay gap and how that would also be affected with gender, we would be interesting to see if other companies have introduced non binary and how they got it through HMRC and what they did with Gender pay reporting? 



  • I would check into that. I don't believe HMRC has any interest in employees' gender. To any extent, I'm not sure that employers should have such an interest, either. Once might collect population data to know what the distribution is in the business, but what reason do you have, institutionally, for needing to know someone's gender beyond how they choose to present?
  • We could start the whole sex vs gender debate but it’s Friday and i am tired ;-) it looks like the HMRC wants you to report on sex not gender if they only accept male or female options? Unfortunately both terms are too often used interchangeably.