Quiet room / prayer room ground rules

Hi, wondering if anyone has any experience that could help, please.

We have a staff group looking at equality issues and have particularly looked at the fact that we are always under-represented in terms of black and minority ethnic staff when we compare to our community.  We're a local authority, so really feel this is important for our service delivery and want to address any barriers to having a great and inclusive workplace.  There are a number of recommendations we're looking at but one is around a room which could in particular be used for prayers.

We're looking at whether space can be made available but have already concluded that we will call this a "quiet room" or similar, making clear is can be used for a bit of time out, or reflection, or prayer, but is available for anyone of all faiths and no faith.  Most of our staff work flexi and can clock on an off for breaks so that's not an issue.

Before finalising a proposal, we want to come up with a "protocol" about how the room should be used - so for example this might (or might not) include excluding electronic devices, not using it to eat lunch or the normal maximum time we would expect someone to use the room for.  Until we identify the space, we don't know what the maximum occupancy would be and it might be just 1.

I'm guessing some of you may already have a similar facility and know how that works?  If you are able to share anything useful or top tips, I would really appreciate this.



  • Following this thread as I am looking for similar ideas for a 'quiet room'.

    We have just been informed by a recent recruit that they will need a space to pray.

    At the moment, I am thinking that we would like the room to be inclusive and bookable. So far, this is the best resource found: www.diversitydreaming.com/.../setting-up-multi-faith-and-wellbeing-rooms

    I am also very interested in hearing how others have gone about this.

    Please help!

  • A few thoughts off the top of my head:
    - yes, I'd suggest not allowing eating and drinking in there
    - I'd also suggest not allowing electronic devices
    - consider asking people to remove shoes prior to entering
    - ask local faith groups what they'd like to see in the room
    - consider whether you're able to provide a wudu station for washing
  • I think the only thing that I can add is a curtain to help those religions that pray separately e.g a mosque would two entrances but if you can't provide a curtain would suffice
  • Hi Kirsten.. just a thought. Might you also be able to use this room for new mums who have returned and might still be breastfeeding so may want to express milk. Just thinking of the inclusive element
  • I think you should also put into perspective different religions within your organization and how they pray.