HR Policy Review


It has been recommended that as good practice we should review all of our HR poilcies in line with the equality act. 

What would you say this means in practice? What would you look out for or check?

Any help/advice/discussion would be appreciated. 



  • As I work in the public sector, we are required to carry out Equality Impact Assessments on all our policies as we write new and review existing ones. It's actually a very good place to start when considering why you need a policy and what you need it to do so you can consider any potential adverse impacts on particular protected characteristics that you hadn't intended; and how you might be able to mitigate them. I've tried to do a quick search on CIPD to see if they have any helpful guides or templates but cant find one easily - I am sure there will be something there though!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    10 Aug, 2022 14:22

    Hi Kirsty... and welcome to the Community.

    This does get asked now and again and I like to signpost our policies factsheet.

    That's not meant to close off others commenting on their approach though Slight smile

  • Welcome to the Communities

    I am interested in who advised you. The Equality Act launched in 2010. Therefore any policies after that and certainly more recently were made (or should have been) in light of the EA. It should be something that is part of every HR persons mindset now
  • In reply to Helen:

    Thank you Helen, I will do some research into equality impact assessments
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you Steve, I will have a look
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith, yes I agree that is why I wondered what I need to look for specifically as none of our policies pre-date 2010. It is part of a checklist as we are looking into Investing in Ethnicity and they have a matrix to complete which refers to auditing all HR policies.