New employee with dyslexia

We have a new EE starting soon   and has declare he has Dyslexia and will require extra time for admin duties, would we have to allow this as paid time ?

  • If it is considered a reasonable adjustment, then yes.
  • As Keith say, it may be a reasonable adjustment, but it's worth considering with the employee if there any better adjustments you could make. I have an image of them sitting in in an empty office at 5pm after their colleagues have gone home, still trying to finish their work! It might be better to see if you can adjust their duties, or provide (with help from Access to Work) a technological solution which would mean that they didn't have to work extra hours.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Sep, 2022 09:06

    Hi David... you might also like to browse trough some previous discussion threads around this topic...

  • This link from the British Dyslexia Association may help - www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/.../reasonable-adjustments-in-the-workplace
  • Hi this sounds like it would be a reasonable adjustment which you should certainly honour, it may be worth taking a look at their duties widely as mentioned by others above to avoid them staying late every day. A good way to support employees is via occupational health for further advice if you need it
  • Hi David
    I have dyslexia so can relate some what. I would suggest you discuss with your EE strengths and weaknesses as there are many different forms of dyslexia.
  • I have used Access to Work in the past for dyslexic employees to provide information on technological support and training. The employee has to apply though.
    If the support doesn't help them work as quickly as other employees then I imagine that giving a lighter workload or allowing extra time for tasks would be a reasonable adjustment, it depends on the size of the company and affordability of providing the adjustments though.