Success stories in implementing D&I successfully into the workplace

Hi All, Im looking for any success stories in implementing D&I successfully into the workplace. We have basics, which mainly steam from generating awareness through intranet articles (written by staff) and celebrating D&I events with a planned calendar. My understanding is that D&I is much more than this though. I guess I’m asking what the next steps would be to progress our current position.We are still yet to implement a strategy. Any help welcome. Helen

  • It starts at the top.

    It really is as straightforward as that. Either the people at the top of the tree understand and embrace EDI and all that it means and involves, or they don't. If they do, then everything else will flow from that and EDI will become a part of BAU by simple osmosis. If they don't, then no initiative on earth will make the slightest bit of difference.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    26 Sep, 2022 09:03

    Hi Helen,

    Good question but just signposting the resources we have here: