Tracking of the internal ED&I data

Hi All, 

I am currently working on enhancing our HR processes to effectively track and measure the internal ED&I data, and am reaching out to learn/understand how different organisations capture the above data in their HR systems.

Specifically, I would like to know:

  • What types of diversity and inclusion data do you capture in your HR systems? I.e.  gender, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability status, or other data points that are relevant to your organisation's diversity and inclusion goals.

  • How do you collect and store diversity and inclusion data in your HR systems? Do you use self-identification surveys, employee self-service portals, or other methods to collect this data? How is the data stored, and what measures are in place to ensure its accuracy and confidentiality?

  • How do you use the captured diversity and inclusion data to drive meaningful action and measure progress towards your diversity and inclusion goals? Do you have any specific reporting or analytics mechanisms in place to analyse and interpret the data? How do you leverage this data to inform decision-making, policies, and initiatives related to diversity and inclusion in your organisation?

  • Are there any challenges or considerations that you have encountered in capturing and managing diversity and inclusion data in your HR systems? How have you addressed these challenges, and what best practices or lessons learned can you share with us?

I would greatly appreciate any insights in this area! If possible, I would also love to connect on LinkedIn with those interested to discuss this topic in more detail. 

Many thanks in advance
