Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Hi all,

Would anyone have any advice, or recommendations on what they use to issue Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms to job applicants (questions to be asked by law under the Fair Employment & Treatment (NI) Order 1998). I am conscious of the requirement for a unique reference number for each applicant, and the need for anonymity from the applicant. 

I would love to hear what people have found works best for their business! 

  • Aisling - have you searched for previous posts on here? There must be lots and lots.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Hi David, I've taken a look at other posts, but haven't come across any systems / methods other organisations use. Our HR system doesn't allow us to issue an anonymous form with a unique reference number for each applicant, so I'm very interested in hearing what other organisations use.
  • Hi Aisling
    We send out a separate form that applicants must complete and return, the job reference is on the form. The only system that is compatible in NI is PAMS and GETGOT which are based in NI.
  • In reply to Tracey:

    Thanks Tracey, I'll look into them! Do you find them useful and easy to manage?
  • In reply to Aisling:

    If you mean the systems it depends on what your company size is and how much recruitment you have.
    A lot of small companies in NI just use word application forms and monitoring returns and record on a spread sheet to use for yearly monitoring and this works for them. I have used this for up to almost 200 employees.
    Are you just starting to monitor employees as you have taken on a company in NI, or are you new to HR, if so have you looked at the online courses available from Equality Commission NI
  • In reply to Tracey:

    Thanks Tracey, I will look into the online courses! New to HR in NI, so this is totally new to me. Spreadsheet seems the best option as we'd only have 5 / 6 vacancies a year, but each vacancy would have 60+ applicants.