D&I Survey

Hi there

We are developing a diversity and inclusion survey and the plan is to send to all employees to complete to enable us to gather data so that we can initiate an action plan.

Does anyone have a survey they have used in the past that they would be able to share?

Many thanks


  • Hi everyone,

    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

    Like Kat, I am looking at developing a DEI survey and would love if someone could share one they have used in the past.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    23 Oct, 2023 08:31

    Hi there, I wondered if CIPD HR-inform had anything, googled it and there is this link below and it looks like you *may be able to get a sample download.

    Your CIPD membership gives you 50% off a standard one-year subscription of HR-Inform, which is a practical online tool designed to embed good HR practice in your organisation and ensure your organisation stays legally compliant.

  • Are you looking to conduct a qualitative or quantitative survey?Are you covering all the strands of DEI ?or are there any specific areas you are focusing on ?