What software do you use to support Dyslexia?

Hi Everyone

We have a number of employees with Dyslexia, who through our vocational reports, have had certain software recommended to them.

Our issue is with confidentiality, for example, Grammarly is very popular and established, but data is held outside the UK/EU meaning if a client has requested we not share data outside UK/EU we could be breaching confidentiality.

With this in mind, has anyone had this issue in the past? If so, what software do you install to support your employees?

Thanks in advance,


  • Text Help Read&Write
  • Hi Grace,

    We also have some employees who have dyslexia (myself included) and everything I have learnt is that there is not a one size fits all way to support these employees. Depending on how big an impact it is having on the employees ability to carry out their job we have paid for workplace assessments to help us understand how best to support them.

    MS Office has a read/ write tool built in, which I know some people have found really useful, and there is no additional cost for it. Sometimes something as simple as changing the background colour of a document can really help. I also use a free font called open dyslexic when working on long documents or when I have to read a lot of text.
  • In reply to Chiara:

    This is the best option where you have concerns with Grammarly, as do we.
    As Ashling points out, there are features built into Windows that can support everyone, not just people with Dyslexia.
    Pressing the "Windows Key and H" brings up the dictation menu and allows voice to text in pretty much anything. It even copes well with my colleague's Glaswegian accent
  • Hi Grace,

    We also use some of the built-in Microsoft options, but the software we've had most success with is 'Dragon' from Nuance. It can be cloud based or stored locally, if you're worried about data. But, even when using the cloud based option, everything is stored securley using Micrsoft Azure.

    We have a large number of staff using this and it's made a massive difference to those with dyslexia and visual impairment issues.


    Hope this helps :)
