Advice for employers during times of unrest...

Steve Bridger

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Community Manager

6 Aug, 2024 11:09

UPDATE: All CIPD resources now collated into a resource hub to support people professionals, managers and employers navigate this situation:


What are you doing to support employees and have you faced any concerns over use of social media by employees about the riots?

The acts of violence and intolerance that have blighted many cities and communities in recent days are a stark reminder of the work we still need to do to eradicate bigotry from our society.

Workplaces thrive where there is mutual respect, understanding, and inclusivity but intolerance can of course also manifest itself in the workplace, and a toxic work culture can wreak havoc on your business. I thought it would be helpful to share some CIPD resources and ask what you might be doing in the workplace to support employees.

CIPD statement | 5 August 2024: 


The CIPD also has some resources that I think are relevant:

Supporting your workforce through a crisis event

How can you support employee mental health:

CIPD’s point of view on religion and belief discrimination:

CIPD Employment law page on religion and belief discrimination.

What you should do if you become aware of an employee is using social media as a form of discrimination or harassment. Guidance on the legal considerations on the use of technology and AI in UK workplaces:

Keen to hear your thoughts.

  • Has anyone sent an email of solidarity to all employees about the riots? Maybe signposting people to external organisations who could help if anyone is struggling with the current events, but also just reiterating that the company supports its employees and stands against racism and discrimination?

    I'd be grateful to hear what other organisations have done and how best to tackle this sort of thing.



  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    6 Aug, 2024 11:28

    In reply to Chloe:

    Thanks for posting,  

    I've 'moved' your post to this thread, which I started about the same time as you posted. Hope that's OK.

    Good suggestion, by the way.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you, Steve. I hadn't seen your post, but happy to piggyback as it covers the same topic.
  • In reply to Chloe:

    Hi Chloe,

    Not an email of solidarity as such, but I sent a message out on Monday on Teams saying the below (with a link to the support lines):

    If anyone's feeling particularly affected by the events of the weekend, please feel free to come and have a chat, or use one of our support lines to access support.

    My role covers HR, H&S, wellbeing and I'm a MHFA so not really HR specific!

  • In reply to Chloe:

    I'm in the process of writing a statement to our team with some advice. our business is a hotel based near Heathrow, we're open to the public so we can't stop people coming into the building.

    We've reminded everyone of our normal operating policies and what to do in an emergency. We've encouraged car pooling as people in our team drive. Anyone leaving late in the evening, we will arrange a taxi for people to get home so they aren't walking home in the dark alone.
  • Thanks Steve. This has been a topic in the chat for a community I run and your resources have been shared along with other helpful tips on what people are doing. These range from sharing information, signposting to support resources, encouraging people to stay safe, make decisions on travelling to and from areas that might be affected, encouraging managers to be sensitive and supportive and especially to black and brown employees. People have shared intercultural training resources and people to follow on Linked In who are offering sound and sensible advice too.

    The CIPD crisis management information has also been shared.

    I trust that workplaces will also be extra vigiliant about potential harrassment, bullying and inappropriate behaviour between colleagues.
  • In reply to Sharon:

    Interesting that you mention about inappropriate behaviour Sharon. If anyone has any ideas on how to balance permitting staff a safe space to discuss these issues, incl. Palestine, with not allowing those conversations to spill over too frequently into the work space, thereby causing tension and friction, please advise.
  • In reply to Sharon:

    Sharon said:
    People have shared intercultural training resources and people to follow on Linked In who are offering sound and sensible advice too.

    Hi Sharon, would you mind sharing some of these here, I'd be interested in some additional resources Slight smile our area is apparently on "the list" of potential tarets, but nothing confirmed yet. 

    I've made a point to share support to our team but also remind people their actions outside of work also matter. A lot is being shared on social media and its wise that people think before sharing, posting or commenting. 

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    7 Aug, 2024 13:22

    In reply to Sharon:

    Thanks, Sharon. Really welcome that the profession is leaning into this challenge.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    7 Aug, 2024 13:27

    In reply to Lesley:

    Hi Lesley,

    As well as CIPD resources I signposted above, I thought there was some clear (lawyerly) advice here, too:

    https://www.hilldickinson.com/insights/articles/riots-across-uk-faqs-employers-hr-professionals (may have to register)

    Also flagging the Staff wearing political symbols thread, which pre-dated the latest violence in UK streets, but mindful of the narrative around the Israel/Gaza conflict, too... and how it can spill over into the workplace.

  • In reply to Lesley:

    Animai Kosai has been posting a lot on Linked In for a number of years about how to have safe space conversations on tricky areas like Palestine, in work. I believe she runs a venture called Speak Up. Might be worth a look at her work on the strategies she and people who comment and follow her have developed.
  • In reply to Ryan:

    One of my community shared this https://www.nafsiyat.org.uk/ and another shared the work of Sadia Siddiqui on Linked in about inclusive language. They might not be quite the things you are looking for but they might help, along with all the CIPD information shared by Steve.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    7 Aug, 2024 20:15

    What to do if an employee is involved in racist behaviour online, involved in social unrest or has been arrested.

    Amanda Arrowsmith, People and Transformation Director at the CIPD, advises employers and people teams on how to navigate this situation:


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Aug, 2024 14:49

    All CIPD resources now collated into a resource hub to support people professionals, managers and employers navigate this situation:


  • In reply to Chloe:

    Kind of...we just put out a memo signposting to our wellbeing resources and acknowledging that people might be affected and if they need to talk, adjustments etc. Bit of a token gesture tbh because none of us are anywhere near where any of the unrest has been. It's possible it could crop up anywhere though I suppose, and mentally it could upset people.