Inclusion and Diversity Training


I'm looking at new ways to deliver I&D training in my organisation. Do you have anything that works particularly well in your organisation? Thank you

  • Focus groups that encourage interaction and engagement work well for us, rather than talk and chalk 'sheep dipping'. We also have a 'micro e-learning' session that can be taken at the learners own pace which involves a little gamification quiz at the end (knowledge check) and certification. Making a dry topic interesting is tough though for sure!
  • Training events properly projected, and timely delivered to targeted employees can foster learning and encourage participation. For long-lasting training events, at least two plenary debates should be provided, in order to share ideas and solve uncertainties.
  • Providing the right consistent content to internal ERG's is crucial for moving forward in DE&I, please email if you'd like some more information about how we support C Suite businesses in DE&I - samantha@DIALGlobal.org
    Kind regards, Samantha
  • Hi Emma - we are working with a Virtual Reality tech co to deliver D&I, they have a model that allows people in the training to 'observe' themselves in a role play scenario, to consider the impact of their behaviour from different marginalised groups - let me know if you want me to share the findings of our project?
  • In reply to Kristal:

    I would love to hear more about this please Kristal Relaxed
  • In reply to Samantha-Jane:

    I've just posted a question about how a client gets ERG feedback if their business is too small and not diverse enough for ERG's? Are there external ERG's you know about?
  • In reply to Kristal:

    Will do - have more work on it next week, then will be in touch - I'm at kristal@workwellpcs.co.uk
  • In reply to Jason Fox:

    I'm a bit late to this thread, but I'd highlight the need to have training designed and delivered by an EDI specialist, as done properly, EDI is not a dry topic