Cost of an interview ?

Does anyone know of any reputable recent UK based research which aims to quantify the average total cost of conducting an interview ? 

  • Does this include the cost for a labourer on a building site and research scientist employed by the civill service??

    I think you are asking a rather broad question in terms of the average cost of an interview.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Was actually wondering if anyone had already produced any scholarly articles on it.

    As we would like to use potential cost/time savings of sifting pre interview using objective assessments in our marketing we would like to use as robust info as possible.

    We can go an interview/survey companies but we would (in any sensible time frame) only have a small sample - so if anyone had already done any research in this area and published we would prefer to talk to them and gain permission to use their independent research - rather that than be yet another company with a little asterisk next to a marketing claim and a footer saying "based upon a survey of 3 guys down the pub and their dog"

    so trying to walk the thin line between "so average it means nothing" and "so detailed it is impossible to make a generalisation"

    Hope that makes sense - i just thought someone might have come across research in this area whilst doing a thesis or researching for a project
  • the CIPD did a report last year which may be of some help? www.cipd.org/.../
    SEction 5 (the numbers) bit
  • In reply to Ann Simpson:

    Thank you, i had seen that one and the sample size is quite small but if it is the best contemporary data out there we will likely go with it.

    Anyone know who at the IPD ought to be spoken to about whether we need permission to use their research conclusions ?
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    17 Jul, 2023 10:00

    In reply to Ian:

    (C)IPD, Ian ;)

    I'm sure it's OK as long as you cite the source.