Experience Assessment - is there anyone who did not meet the requirements following their Professional Discussion?

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well.

I had my PD last Friday (the 14th June) for Chartered membership (currently an Associate) and unfortunately don't believe it went well.

My assessor was lovely of course but I felt out my depth. I did spend time preparing etc. but I think I need to accept the fact that it is very unlikely I will be awarded the membership grade.

I know it may be another 5 weeks before I find out the outcome (I did email the relevant team to ask if there was any way I could be informed sooner but unfortunately there isn't.) and I just wanted to explore whether anyone has had a similar experience and how they moved forward once they had the confirmation they had not been successful?

Appreciate that there are a lot of success stories on the forums which is great but I think it is equally helpful to hear from others for who the outcome wasn't what they had hoped so that we can support each other and move forward positively.

It can be very isolating if it feels you are the only one who did not do well! 


  • Hi Kimberley,

    Sorry to hear about your experience and that you didn't feel it went well. Please don't lose hope just yet because yours might still be a success story too!

    As with any type of assessment, I always feel the pressure is much more doing a face-to-face assessment compared to a written one hence why I opted for that instead. It's been 4 weeks since I submitted so I am also waiting patiently to hear back from them as you are.

    Fingers crossed and all things being equal, we will both come back to this post with our success story.

  • how did it go Kimberly? I submit my EA tomorrow and still have my interview later in September.
  • how did it go Kimberly? I submit my EA tomorrow and still have my interview later in September.