Experience Assessment - Chartered Fellow

Hi all

I started my assessment last week and finding it all pretty daunting. I am not sure if I am answering some of the questions in the way I should.

I cannot believe the first week has already passed and time is already ticking away.

I am keen to join some groups or link in with anyone who can offer some advice.

Many thanks


  • Hi Leah

    I know I have already replied on the other thread but seeing this made me want to comment here too as I felt EXACTLY the same in my first 2-3 weeks!!!

    One tip I would give is don't save anything on the EA portal as I lost some work that way :( copy the questions into a word document and work on it that way (you may have already done this of course). I also stopped logging into the Dashboard as seeing the days count down was making me anxious! I found jotting ideas as they came to me, under each question worked, and treat it like a crossword - reflect and keep coming back to it. I find some days the answers flow better than others too and have accepted that I need to work when I am in the right frame of mind.

    I hope that helps a little. You'll start to see progress soon. Be great to hear from others who have been through the EA recently for their tips too!

    Take care,