I put together a video on my experience of upgrading to FCIPD

How do you get your Chartered FCIPD? Is it worth the investment in time and effort?

I've been asked this question a lot recently so I thought it might be useful to share a video on the process I went through as I was assessed for my FCIPD.

I upgraded my membership from chartered status up to fellow which required me to have an assessment with the CIPD. It took me 7 days to prepare for this assessment.

They do provide you with a guide on how to prepare which was really helpful. However, it can be really useful to get first hand experience of someone going through the process. I've tried to be very honest on what the process is like in practice.

Let me know if you found it useful and if it was similar to your own experience. You definitely feel like you've earned it by the end!
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help!

(244) How to Get Your Chartered FCIPD - YouTube

  • Welcome to the community, Garin. There's a bit of a dearth of good quality HR content on YouTube, so I'm looking forward to going through your video backlog as I can see there's a fair amount of interesting content there.

    Congrats on Chartered FCIPD, too. As a peripatetic worker, I fear I will never be able to aspire to such lofty heights, as I'm never in an organization long enough to be able to gather evidence on the impact of the work I do.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Hi Robey, it's great to hear from you. Thanks for the warm welcome and the best wishes! It can be very difficult assessing the full impact of your work, especially when you're only there for a limited time.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    8 Apr, 2022 14:09

    Many thanks for posting this here, Garin - and congrats! Really appreciate the time you've spent sharing your experience.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks very much Steve! Very kind. Hope it's useful for your community!

  • Thank you for sharing your video, Garin, and congratulations on your upgrade. I'm attending an upgrading workshop this evening, so your video is timely. I've been a Chartered Member for 11+ years but I'm still not convinced I would meet the requirements. It sounds like I need to have a good think and reflect on the impact of my work over the years.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    26 Apr, 2022 12:59

    In reply to Carys Hedd:

    Good luck, Carys. You'll be brilliant!

    Welcome to the Community.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you Steve!
  • Congratulations Garin!
    Splendid Achievement. Having attained chartered fellowship 17 years ago, I know things and the process has changed markedly and many HR practitioner colleagues are apparently deterred from putting themselves forward , and some who do, do so with some trepidation.... Which is the one feeling that should not be amplified in preparing for and going through the assessment. I commend you on taking the time to put the video together to give the 'applicant' invaluable insights into process and hopefully debunk some myths.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Interesting point Robey,
    My reflection on the barrier(s) to a peripatetic people practitioner attaining higher accreditation should not be the case in this day and age. A proven track record over several years (albeit in short stints at several organisations shouldn't be a barrier to applying for and attaining higher levels of membership. Who is to say that such individuals have not been impactful at the highest levels within and across organisations. It behooves the CIPD membership assessment panels, chartered practitioners and above to explore new novel and ways the impact of long term peripatetic HR practitioners impact and outcomes contributions can be appropriately recognised in the 21st century 'workscape' across the spectrum of the plethora of ways of working.
  • In reply to Ola:

    Hi Ola, thanks so much for the well wishes! Really appreciate it! Yes, I'm hoping it has helped a few people. I did get feedback from an HR manager who did the assessment yesterday and said it helped their preparation. So that's been great to hear!
  • In reply to Carys Hedd:

    Hi Carys, thank you so much! I hope the upgrading workshop helped. If you do decide to go ahead, Id be very happy to have a call with you if think it would help your preparation!!
  • Hi Garin

    This video is so helpful as I embark on the preparation for my assessment due in Sept. I know it is a year later but congratulations on your upgrade. I have one question for you (and the community). In the video I heard you mention you had 4 screens in front of you. What were these screens in use for? The assessment I have in Sept is a video call I believe (MCIPD assessment was telephone based). Would you know if I can keep notes or I can keep a screen with my examples to refer during the assessment?
  • In reply to Robey:

    Love the word 'peripatetic'. I remember many, many years ago, my manager said I was a peripatetic PA. I had to look it up in the dictionary as I thought she meant 'pathetic' :)

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    7 Aug, 2023 14:22

    In reply to Radhika:

    ...and welcome to our Community,