FCIPD Experience Assessment

Hi all,

Can anyone provide some insight on the types of evidence you submitted for your assessment?  People strategy, board reports, analytics?  Keen to gather some valuable feedback from your experiences and make sure I am on the right track.  

With thanks in advance

  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    12 Oct, 2023 13:57

    Hi Taryn I've got some information here from our assessment FAQs, supplemented with a bit extra which should be useful:

    You can use different projects or pieces of work to show how you meet the membership standards. Depending on the nature of your work, you might have two or three pieces of work which cover several questions, or you might need to draw on a whole variety of examples.

    We don't like to be prescriptive on what's best to submit as supporting evidence. What we’re looking for is evidence that best showcases the work you’ve delivered in the examples you've shared, and the impact that work has had.

    You should include a minimum of one document and a maximum of six documents. Examples of evidence you may want to submit are:
    • evidence of the impact of your work (such as KPIs, metrics or the wider value created)
    • plans
    • presentations
    • reports
    • policy documents.

    At Chartered Fellow, appropriate supporting evidence could be your people strategy, analytics, or other such documentation that showcases your work, and the impact you've had.