Tips, suggestions and buddies for Experience Assessment

Due to start the journey on 11 November, anyone who's on the same boat or has been through the process, would be grateful to learn from you, either buddy up for moral support or headsup from your previous experience. Thank you in advance!

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    10 Nov, 2022 10:23

    Hi Jessica...  and welcome to the Community.

    Just checking you have seen the previous discussions here.

    It would be nice to hear from anyone starting out on their Chartered journey below though Slight smile

  • Hi, I am on the journey now. Started on 4 Nov. Interesting so far. Definitely has me thinking.
  • Hope someone's been through the process can help me out here: can you use same examples/cases from the knowledge and impact report in the behavior report?
  • In reply to Jessica:

    Hi Jessica
    I'm an assessor for our Experience Assessment route to membership and can confirm that yes, you can use the same examples/cases across both the Knowledge and Impact Report and the Behaviour Report. It is recommended though to make sure you use a range of examples across the assessment to showcase the breadth and impact of your work.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    21 Nov, 2022 10:05

    In reply to Olivia:

    Thanks, Olivia.
  • In reply to Olivia:

    Thank you Olivia for confirming this for me.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi to everyone!!!
    Gemma here. I have just started the course.
    Any suggestions & tips?
  • In reply to Gemma:

    The candidate guide is full of little hints and tips if you read it a few times over.
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Hi Gemma
    I'm an assessor with the CIPD, so congratulations on starting your Experience Assessment journey :)
    Yes - the Candidate Guidance Pack is your 'go to' document for detailed info on all steps through EA. Particularly useful are the example schedule to help you plan your way through the assessments and also the guidance on 'impact' or 'adding value' (there's also some live examples of this at the end of the guide that I know candidates find really helpful).
    Also the resources in the portal will help you to complete certain questions, so make sure you check those out.
    My top tips:
    1. Read the candidate guidance doc thoroughly.
    2. Plan your time out.
    3. Brain dump your ideas for examples of your work from the last 5 years and then filter to use your best, most relevant ones.
    4. Draft your responses in word first so you can easily edit
    5. Focus on the impact your work has had.
    Hope this is helpful and good luck with the next steps!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    29 Nov, 2022 10:13

    In reply to Olivia:

    Thanks for sharing this, Olivia. That's great.
  • In reply to Olivia:

    thank you
  • In reply to Olivia:

    Hi I am new here as well, your help would be appreciated.
  • thanks Robert Slight smile
  • I'm currently working through my EA for associate level. Struggling with how to word things properly - I think study panic has set in