Tips, suggestions and buddies for Experience Assessment

Due to start the journey on 11 November, anyone who's on the same boat or has been through the process, would be grateful to learn from you, either buddy up for moral support or headsup from your previous experience. Thank you in advance!

  • In reply to Olivia:

    Good afternoon
    I am working through my EA, the candidate guidance states about not worrying if your response is just under the wordcount, but anything too short is likely to be unsuitable. My question is, what would you deem to be just under?
  • In reply to Nicole:

    Hi Nicole
    In terms of guidance on word count for your responses in the written submissions - just under would be about 10 - 15 words short of the max response allowed. Therefore if the question allows for say a 200 word response, something at 100 words would be too short as it would not give us enough detail to adequately assess your evidence.
    My top tip here is to work off line in a word document as this allows you to edit your answer easily to meet the word count before adding to the EA portal.
    I hope this is helpful and good luck :)
  • In reply to Olivia:

    I agree with this. You can go 10% over and so I'd avoid going any more than 10% under.
  • Just submitted all my reports 2 days before the deadline, fingers crossed for the professional discussion!
    Happy new year to everyone and thank you for sharing.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    4 Jan, 2023 13:09

    In reply to Jessica:

    Good luck, Jessica... and Happy New Year to you, too :)