Advice with Chartered upgrade

After many years in the profession and operating for quite a few at manager level, I feel it's about time I upgrade to Chartered Member. Reading the standards, I'm definitely operating at that level, but I've always had difficulty in filling out the form.

Is there somewhere I can go and ask the question? Really, I'm just looking for guidance as to what they're wanting to see - how much? Many of the questions read like you need to have specific projects that you've done, with budgets, metrics data etc, but I've never worked for a company that has been that detailed in it's KPI on a change/problem solving initiative etc.

Would be good just to speak to someone and it seems like there are no upgrading workshops or anything like that about.


  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    25 Nov, 2022 07:47

    Hi Ella... I've moved your post to this forum, where members are discussing this topic.

  • Thank you. To add, I'm qualified level 7 and looking to fill out the form
  • In reply to Ella:

    You should engage with your local CIPD group. Many groups have members who actually work for the CIPD as assessors and who are more than happy to talk members through the process and explain how to evidence the various requirements in clear terms. If you don't have an assessor in your local group, they may be able to reach out to other nearby groups for a referral.
  • Hi Ella

    Did you make any progress with this at all? It sounds like I am in a similar position to you regarding upgrading but feel a little in the dark about the right examples to provide.


  • Hi Ella, I successfully upgraded to Chartered Member at the start of 2021 via the form application. I also hold Level 7 qualification like yourself. Happy to guide where I can.
  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey - hope it's OK to jump on the back of your offer! I'm in the process currently and would appreciate any advice - particulary about the type of examples you provided and evidence within the form as I want to pitch my responses correctly. Thanks, David
  • In reply to David Rees:

    Yes no problem - can you reach out to me via LinkedIN?
  • In reply to David Rees:

    Hi David, I'm one of the internal assessors with the CIPD and very happy to help.
    Have you seen the candidate guidance pack on our website for form assessments? The pack contains a lot of useful advice about both the types of suggested examples as well as what we mean when we talk about impact.
    In essence, we are looking for evidence of the value your work has brought to the organisation. And that value could be demonstrated through hard and soft metrics. Crucially for Chartered Member applications, we are looking for evidence that that value has been sustained over the medium to long-term (ideally over a year). So, changes in employee engagement scores, attrition & retention, promotion, absence figures (depending on your example) etc. as well as qualitative feedback from line managers or employees, reputational impact, a new HR approach becoming the norm, internal awards etc.
    As a thought, we also offer upgrade assessments over video (instead of telehpone, from next week), and some candidates find being able to discuss their examples with a friendly assessor (!), a more helpful approach for them.
    Happy to keep the conversation going David.
    Thank you very much.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    16 Feb, 2023 15:45

    In reply to Tisha:

    Brill. Thanks, Tisha.
  • In reply to Tisha:

    Thank you very much Tisha! I have just submitted my form and I hope I have been able to evidence the points you raised succesful - I have had some great advice and yes the guidance was fantastic, the examples were very useful to work from.

    I see the website has updated in the last couple of days, my manager will be happy he doesn't have to complete a support form! I used the old form so hope this works OK. The video method is a great change and one I will hopefully not need but would consider in the future. Would the questions be the same?
  • In reply to David Rees:

    Yes that's right David - we will no longer be requesting stakeholder/colleague feedback as part of the upgrade assessment and we have moved mediums, to video assessment instead of phone assessment as standard (based on really positive candidate feedback).
    The assessment will still be the same - so evidence around the core areas of People, Work and Change at Chartered Fellow - level.
    I'm sure you have David and the very best of luck with your application.
  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey, I hope you dont mind me jumping on.
    Would I be able to get some advice on this too? I am Level 7 qualified, but unsure on next steps.
    Thanks so much,
  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hello Rebecca,
    I'm Tisha - one of the internal assessors with the CIPD and I'd be very happy to help you.
    If you have completed the Level 7 Qualification, then you should hold Associate Membership with us already and be eligible to upgrade. You can upgrade either to Chartered Member, or to Chartered Fellow - depending on your experience. We have an on-line 'Pre-Assessment Tool', which helps you self-assess your experience and we recommend all candidates use this tool before booking their upgrade assessment. It takes about 10 minutes to complete and you can access it here -
    If you're comfortable with the outcome, you can then call us up and book an upgrade assessment. For Chartered Member, you can book a video assessment or a paper assessment. For Chartered Fellow - it will be a video assessment. There's more information on our web-site here:
    Did you have any specific questions around Upgrading I can help with?
    Thank you very much.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    24 Feb, 2023 14:24

    In reply to Tisha:

    Thanks, Tisha.
  • In reply to Tisha:

    Thank you Tisha, thats very helpful