Experience Assessment - evidence upload

Hi All,

I'm 7 days in and have made a start with planning ect. My current organization prohibits the upload of company confidential information, which the majority of my work is classed as. Did any of you face this in the past, and if so, how did you get around it? 

Many thanks


  • Hi Garth
    I'm an Assessor with the CIPD and thought it might be helpful to respond to your query as it's actually really common :)
    Top tips.
    Firstly, I'd like to reassure you that all information you do share is treated in strictest confidence, is held within our secure EA portal and only shared within our small internal team. However, if it's still tricky for you to share data/information from your organisation, please focus on what you are able to share. This needs to be examples of your work to demonstrate the membership standards. You will need to be able to give us enough detail to assess your evidence and where possible provide any relevant supporting documentation. It's often here that candidates have a problem, more so than actually in their primary evidence/examples of their work. If you can't upload any supporting documentation (secondary evidence), we suggest you use the free text box in this section of the portal to explain to your Assessor what you would have liked to have shared and why you are unable to do so. You will also be able to discuss this with them at your Professional Discussion which typically helps to bring your work and context of your role to life. The supporting documentation is only secondary evidence, so I always advise candidates to really focus on what primary evidence they have to share and to select this carefully, using their best examples to showcase their work as a people practitioner.
    Hope this helps and good luck with the EA journey :) Olivia
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    13 Dec, 2022 08:03

    Welcome to the Community, Garth... and thanks, Olivia!
  • In reply to Olivia:

    Thanks a million!