Upgrading to Chartered after changing jobs

Hi there

I'm an associate member and planning to upgrade to chartered by filling in the paper form. 

I changed jobs four months ago and most of the examples I plan to use in the application are from my previous employer where I was employed for five years. Where evidence is required, what can be done here? Is it better to wait some more time in my current role so that I can provide evidence from here? Or can the evidence be described?

For example, I led our D&I journey in my previous employer. Following a large project I led on D&I, our engagement scores in D&I increased year on year for three years until I departed; however, I do not have access to these scores anymore and have reached out to my previous employer about access and they said that the data is company confidential so cannot be provided (I expected this outcome but am curious if there are ways around it). 

Any guidance would be appreciated.



  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    23 Oct, 2023 14:09

    Hi Dylan... and welcome!

    Any thoughts on Dylan's query,  ?

  • Hi Dylan, I'm one of the internal assessors with the CIPD. Thanks a lot for your question and great to hear that you're planning to upgrade your membership. Is it Chartered Membership you are going for? I ask because as you probably know, the time-scales for demonstrating impact differ according to the level. So, for Chartered Member, we will be looking for evidence in your application that your work has brought medium to long-term value to your business(s) (typically over a year) and for Chartered Fellow, we would look for evidence of sustained value over the long-term (typically over 2-3 years).
    And we appreciate the sensitive data/GDPR restrictions around obtaining physical evidence of impact if you've moved to a different company. It sounds like you have already got some rich data around impact re: your D&I project - and as long as that it is within the 5-year window, it sounds valuable to include.
    You can absolutely describe evidence of the value of your work, within your answers - you won't need to submit supplementary information.
    As an aside, when you're reflecting on the best examples, please do include those initiatives that have been both implemented and evaluated. And where you can demonstrate the positive change your work had. That's probably the best guide to use in terms of deciding when the time is right to upgrade :)
    Does that help? I'm very happy to continue the conversation.
    Thank you very much Dylan,
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    24 Oct, 2023 11:23

    In reply to Tisha:

    Much appreciated,