Chartered Member written upgrade

Hi. I am in the process of doing my written upgrade to Chartered Member and have some ideas of how to answer the 4 questions. Just wondered if there is anyone that has done theirs and would be available as a sounding board to have a chat. Thanks

  • Hi Lizzi. I got mine through about a year ago. Please shout if I can help.
  • I'm considering going for mine in September. I'm taking an extended break before the summer though so was hoping to do some thinking about examples over then. Are you able to give me an indication of what the questions cover.
  • Hi Elisabeth, I did mine about 6 months ago, feel free to message me if needed
  • Same here, i found the wording a bit confusing:

    Give an example of how you have built the people capability of others.

    Describe how you connect with other people professionals, both internally and externally, to inform your thinking.

    • Give an example of insight you have gained through your connections and how this informed your thinking.

    Please use no more than 500 words – any words above this will not be considered. Please check your word count, and make sure you cover all the bullet points.

    There is one bullet point but i feel like they are asking for 3 different things. I rang CIPD last week and asked for clarification, i have been advised to only cover the bullet point. I half way Q3, wish me luck!!!!