Artificial Intelligence used in Recruitment

Hi everyone! 

I am currently working on L7 Dissertation module and my topic is investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment. 

I would love to get insight into:

- Benefits of AI in recruitment process
- Challenges/ risks

I have a short survey (less than 5 mins) about the use of AI in your organisation:
Is it used? 
What types of AI? 

The link is below: 

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment Survey

If anyone would be happy to help and provide an insight into this technology within recruitment, I would love to chat! 
Thank you in advance for any input. 


  • Hi Laura, welcome to the communities. A couple of things which I hope will help:
    you may also like to post this same question on the discussion forums for Personnel Today and HR Zone, plus have you looked at any Linked In groups for potential responses?

    Also, I happened to come across this earlier today, I receive updates from HR Review (HRReview.co.uk) and there is a news article on this very subject on their home page. This is the link: www.hrreview.co.uk/.../133025
    Not sure if this link works for you but if not try searching for warnings by the TUC about using AI and potential discrimination in the workplace. Good luck!
  • In reply to Clare Marie:

    Hi Clare,
    Thanks for your response, that's very helpful and has given me a good starting point. I have posted on Linkedin but not in specific forums so will check those out.
    Thank you for your help :)