Working two full time jobs....

  • Interesting article - but surely this must be so so rare?
  • In reply to Keith:

    You'd hope so. I noted there was no mention of WTR which would be relevant. It's an interesting point - we've moved from managing people via hours worked to managing via outputs, but what if they can do their outputs in less than a full working week. Do we have a right to the rest of their time or if we are getting the right amount of work out of them for the salary we are paying them, can they reasonably spend the rest of their time doing something else?
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    16 Nov, 2021 14:55

    In reply to Jacqueline:

    Keeping it a secret is never a good idea though, is it?
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Though even output based work for a while at least will be based on some notion of the time it takes to create that output for most people
  • In reply to Keith:

    Clearly some companies haven't got that quite right if people have time to do two jobs! :-D

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I would like to say No but as very few employers would say yes then providing no damage is done, why would an employee ask?
    if they get dismissed they just carry on with the other job and maybe try for another one.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Jacqueline said:
    Clearly some companies haven't got that quite right if people have time to do two jobs! :-D

    Indeed but I suspect that this is more to do with the industry than wider lessons 

  • Seems to feature US stories of ‘overworking’ quite heavily - which you’d expect, given their employment law and tax setup compared to the UK, where we are more prescriptive about employees’ wellbeing at work.

    Also, isn’t what these people are describing themselves doing essentially what we know as ‘self-employment’…? Aren’t they just being paid less than they could be if they took on multiple contracts under their own self-employed steam?
  • I'm just not even sure I would have the mental capacity for that. And if I take off my HR hat for a moment part of me thinks if they do and can make it work for them ten hats off to them, but I certainly couldn't cope with that. The stress of juggling both would just be too much in my opinion. At some point they must reach burn-out surely?