Core hours


We currently have core hours in place (10-4) to enable employees to encourage these hours for meetings and use the hours either side as a buffer to get other work done, but also allow flexibility for those preferring to start late or finish early. We are finding this system is no longer working effectively for us and was wondering if other companies have core hours, if so what are they, whether this is working for you and what you are encouraging?

Thank you! 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Feb, 2023 12:18

    * bumping *
  • It would be really useful to know why those core hours aren’t working any more - are they not working for the business, for employees, or a bit of both? Have you consulted with employees on how the working day could be changed for the better?
  • I don't know if this is the specific issue, but 10-4 core hours aren't particularly flexible! This is just a couple of hours off a traditional day. Maybe it doesn't seem to your people that you're really serious about flexibility? Would it cause issues for you to have no core hours? Or reduced ones?
  • Personal view after having worked for a super flexible org that had core hours of 11am-3pm, with "try to avoid meeting" hours between 12-2pm to encourage lunch breaks, and only for safety purposes, if you are coming to the office, to work only betwen 7am-8pm due to security guards time schedules - and this is way before the pandemic.... As stated by another member above, the current core hours your org has is not really flexible at all considering the recent developments in 3 years of WFH and flexible working...