Probation and notice Independent Sector

Good afternoon

I am after some of advice from those of you in the independent sector.

What is your probation period for teaching staff? We have some staff on 6 months, some on a term and the Head is pushing for a School year.

What is your contractual notice period for teaching staff in probation? This specifically applies where I have the Head pushing for one year's probation!

Who typically completes the probation review? Would the Head ever get involved, assuming there are no issues?  Common sense would tell me its the line manager which in our case is a Senior Teacher but I am being told by one individual it has always been the head previously.

Thanks all, I'm fairly new to education!

  • Hi Zoe,
    Our probation for teaching staff is a full year. The process involves at least two review points (end of autumn term and end of spring term) after which the line manager makes a recommendation to Cabinet about whether the teacher should pass/fail or have probation extended (with a third and possibly further review points). Each review involves a lesson observation and feedback, and there will obviously be more informal feedback through the terms.
    Approval of passing probation is at Cabinet (a group of the head, deputy heads, bursar and myself) and then a letter goes to the member of staff if approved or 1:1 meetings if not. While the line manager makes the recommendation, the head ultimately approves the result. The aim is for the outcome never to be a surprise, and when someone is not succeeding, we put in place a lot of support to help.
    Notice period during probation is 8 weeks, rising to a full term once probation is completed.
    Hope that helps - do feel free to get in touch if there's anything I can help with if you're new to education. Also the ISBA resources and community can be really helpful.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thank you Nina that's really helpful.