Compensation for going on residential trips - support staff

Do any of you compensate your support staff for attending school residential trips?  If so, how?  Is it done as TOIL or overtime and is it on the basis of a school day or an extended day, with or without overnight allowance?


  • Hi Sarah

    No knowledge I'm afraid of what others do, but of course support staff may be on or near minimum wage, so any 'working time' over and above their normal school day hours, if unpaid, may dilute their average earnings to an unlawful below-minimum-wage amount. Certainly all travelling time and support duties whilst away will count as 'working time', then it's problematic whether or not / what part of the whole of the time from leaving school premises to returning to them should count as 'working time'
  • In reply to David:

    Thanks David. I agree we'll need to consider what consistutes working time and the impact on average pay. It will be useful to see how others manage this if anyone is able to share. Thanks
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    26 Apr, 2021 14:20

    Good to hear residential trips might be starting again at some point! Fun for the kids, not so sure about the teachers :)
  • In reply to David:

    Hi I've just been on a school residential trip - we do not receive any extra pay for the hours worked. It was a lot of extra time but also fun and rewarding.