HR system - iSAMS

I am hoping someone may be able to provide some help or advice to us around the use of iSAMS as a HR System.  We currently run iSAMS as MIS for the school but use PASS as our Payroll/Finance/HR system with just limited information being stored in HR manager module of iSAMS.  There is a desire to move the finance modules over to iSAMS to use the one MIS for the school and we would therefore be looking to use the HR manager module in iSAMS as our HR system.  Does anyone have any experience of this?  What is the functionality like and are there any pitfalls/shortfalls in capability?

I believe there are some other HR/Payroll system providers who can integrate with iSAMS (Civica, CIPHR, MHR) as an alternative HR provision.  Does anyone have any experience of these?  We have around 220 employees, not sure if this makes a difference around the system that is better suited.

To be honest we have never been entirely happy with PASS so this is an opportunity to improve the data we can pull out of an HR system but obviously are keen to get the right package. Any advice is welcomed!

  • Hi Amanda,
    I just wondered if you had any feedback to your query or made any progress? I'm in a similar situation, currently working in an independent school and we are looking to implement an HR system, there is nothing in place currently, previous to my being here the school has looked at the likes of BreatheHR as well as others but not in much detail. I've just been shown iSams and seen the HR Module but not sure what it's like to work with and whether it would be enough for the school, we have around 230 employees.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    4 Feb, 2021 16:06

    Hi Amanda - welcome to the Community!
  • I work in an independent school, using iSAMS. However, I found that the HR module couldn't do anything like what I wanted it to do, so instead have developed Natural HR as our HR database. We are currently finalising an API link with iSAMS, so that information can be shared across for timetabling/absences/cover etc - and Natural HR have helped us to do that.

    Very happy to talk offline if it's helpful to share experiences with either of you. nina.waters@emanuel.org.uk

  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Hi Nina,
    I recall you mentioning that you were implementing Natural HR and this is one I have briefly come across. I would really like the opportunity to discuss your experiences with it so far so I shall drop you an email offline.
    Many thanks