Virtual Induction


I'm currently going through a building resilience document and one identified area of weakness during and before Coronavirus is staff induction. Does anyone have any really good onboarding programmes that they would like to share? Do you split Teaching and Support staff? Do you issue induction handbooks? Has anyone moved from face-to-face to virtual? If so, how's that going? Is it live or pre-recorded? Thanks 

  • HI Jackie, we have moved to virtual inductions with mixed results so far. Mainly due to IT issues of having too many people on one MT team induction at a time. So moving to a different platform (ie Zoom) is being explored. Induction packs are sent out in advance of the induction itself and our inductions are held periodically. Key to success for us is about making the inductions more interactive and knowing the audience. As we are a large organisation with lots of different work functions knowing who you are pitching the induction at is important. Hope this helps, Cheryl