School Workforce Census


I wonder if anyone who works in an academy / multi academy trust can answer a query with regard to the School Workforce Census please?

I am preparing the SWC for an Academy and the SIMs database includes personnel details for all central trust staff.  This is historical as these employees were original employed by the academy but as we developed into a multi academy trust, they became a separate central trust team. 

Should they be removed from the SWC for the academy? If so,  do I just "untick" eligible for SWR on their SIMs profile to remove them?

Do I then need to do a separate SWC return just for the central trust team?  How do I do this when I only have one SIMs database?

I have put a query into the Department for Education, but I am not hopeful I will receive a response any time soon, so any help you can offer would be much appreciated. 

Many thanks

  • Hi Elaine
    I had exactly this problem and was told by the DfE not to include them and currently there is no requirement to report on the central team. So I unticked them all in SIMS.
    I hope that helps,
  • In reply to Marianne:

    Thank you Marianne.

    I have just had a response to my query logged with the DfE:
    "Please only report any of the central support staff who spend the majority of their time working in schools. So, of those support staff in the central team who visit academies to provide support, if any of them spend more than half their time visiting academies then only include them. I appreciate it sounds like none of them will therefore be included"