Long Service Awards


I work in a multi-academy trust and have been tasked with looking at our options to reward staff for long service.  The Boss is not that keen on giving money or vouchers because of the tax implications. 

Does anyone run a reward/recognition scheme based on length of service for school staff?  I would be interested to hear any suggestions or things to avoid.

Thank you.

Kind regards


  • I'm not in a school setting, but a museum group. We introduced a long service scheme last year and held a small tea party for everyone after work with cakes and wine. The Chief Exec and each person's line manager gave a little speech and presented them with a certificate, a silver (for 25 years) version of our lanyard to wear their ID badge on and we gave them an extra five days of annual leave for that year. We don't have a lot of money so vouchers were out of the question. The thing that people liked most was the silver lanyard - we had loads of positive comments about it.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Hi Jacqueline
    That's really interesting - thank you. We do not have a lot of spare money either so need to find something with meaning but not too expensive. A silver lanyard sounds like a good option.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    20 Oct, 2020 14:49

    In reply to Jacqueline:

    I like the silver lanyard idea, too.
  • We have introduced a 20 year service honour board which has gone down very well
  • We have decided on a pin badge as all staff wear lanyards with the school names on them. We will have different colours for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years service. We are going to hold an afternoon tea celebration in the summer (Covid-permitting!) and the staff with 20 year's service are going to receive a voucher to choose an experience of their choice. We are also going to have some kind of sticker to put on their school photo in reception to recognise their long service.

    So, thank you Jacqueline for your ideas which I have stolen and changed to suit our settings :) :)
  • In reply to Elaine Snell:

    Given we stole the lanyard idea in the first place, I'm not complaining. ;-)
    All your ideas sound absolutely lovely - if I worked for your organisation for twenty years, I'd be delighted.