Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 1 September 2020 update

Hi All

I wanted to open a discussion regarding the KCSIE 1 September 2020 update.

As well as general discussion, does anyone have any thoughts on the below:

- With regards to the 'transferable risks' addition, the example I can find for this online would be domestic violence, which may not have been towards a pupil or in school, however may mean the person is not suitable to work in school. Are there any other examples anyone can think of? And would I be right to assume we would be updated by the police should something like this occur, or would we only find out by running a new DBS?

- Overseas Police Check - my Trust has been requesting overseas police checks for those who have lived / worked abroad for 6 months in the last 5 years or 12 months in the last 10. I would be interested to know what anyone else is doing and if this is going to / has changed since the KCSIE update.



  • Hi Jess,

    Can't help on the first point, but on the second our Academy Trust also request where 6 months or more in the last 5 years (though we also consider case by case and can flex this where the risk is deemed relevant). I didn't notice any change on this in the new KCSIE, Sep 2020 - what is the update around this?
  • With regards to overseas checks, we conduct them for any country where a person has lived or worked beyond the age of 18 for 3 months or more. Restricting it to the last 5 years is a bit of a nonsense when you think about it (although it absolutely used to be in the safer recruitment guidance) - and if you read the serious case review around South Bank International/Vahey, the vital information that might have been available there would have been long out of that 5 year period. Another helpful prompt from the Vahey case was that the country of origin should be checked if a person lived there but didn't work there (ie was in further education or unemployed) beyond the age of 18.