Advice for joining union as HR professional who works in a school

I am not a member of a union and nor is my work colleague, another HR professional. Our manager has suggested that we join a union but we don't really know where to start. We want to ensure there is no conflict of interest. Is there one that HR professionals who work in schools join. Thanks for any advice.

  • Hi Jenny,

    To be honest, I've no idea which one you would go with. Despite being in a school, teaching unions are out for you. I would think the only one is UNISON or possibly the TGW?

    You're right, I'd be concerned about possible conflict of interest - it's manageable but equally very open to abuse. Does the manager say why you should join one?

    Perhaps this is a service that the CIPD need to look into.
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Re Teresa's final sentence, there are some of us who've been urging CIPD for years to do exactly that, but no-one at CIPD seems prepared to listen!

    Prospect Union and even GMB might be appropriate too: the former is a wholly professionals union so generally might fit bill a bit better

  • In reply to David:

    I based my decision on how the local union reps performed in disciplinary hearings. Our local GMB rep is a bit more feisty than our Unison rep and that's what I would want if I ever found myself in a situation needing Union support.
  • I vaguely remember a website that was helpful in a previous life that could narrow down choices. I don't remember it looking like the below but seems like it does the same thing!


  • In reply to David:

    Hi David,

    David said:
    there are some of us who've been urging CIPD for years to do exactly that, but no-one at CIPD seems prepared to listen!

    In that case they're missing a trick! 

    As a teacher I joined the union for help with my career and support if something went wrong. The CIPD has the help bit down to a 'T', but where's the support part? Who do we go to if there's a problem - if we're accused of malpractice for example. Yes, the Forum Community is absolutely wonderful as a support group, but they're not lawyers.

    Going back to the original question in this thread, the NEU - National Education Union (amalgamation of NUT + ATL) - has a section for support staff at £104pa. If you're working in schools and want to join a union, this is probably your best bet.

  • In reply to Teresa:

    Couldn't agree more, Teresa!
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Thank you for your help. I will look into this.
  • In reply to Jacob:

    Thank you. I will look into this.
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Thank you for you help.