Trade Union Facilities Time in Schools and Academies

Our Local Authority offers a Trade Union Facilities Time Agreement with all recognised trade unions. 

We are encouraged to buy back into it even though we are an academy trust. 

Out of curiosity - what arrangements does your school or academy trust or have in place?  

  • Hi Craig - we opted not to do this. Strongly encouraged by the unions to do so and a few occasions when they pushed back and said they would only represent our staff out of school times as we had not bought in to the FTA. In these cases we encouraged the employee (members) to go back to their unions and explain that they had paid their fees. What we do do - is offer to be invoiced for time spend on our cases by reps who are taking time out of other schools and need cover. This is always on offer and has never been claimed - the issue is now sorted and the reps work with us as usual.