Term Time Only Workers and the TTO% calculation

Hi all

I'd like to hear your views on the following;

A TTO member of support staff has requested to reduce their working week from 5 days to 4 days, by submitting a flexible working request.  This FWR has been approved.

As part of this FWR the member of staff has also requested to work TTO+4 additional days as opposed to the usual TTO+5 additional days.

In this case, would colleagues usually still apply the same TTO% as though they were working TTO+5 additional days.

Essentially, if someone works 4 days per week, would we still apply the same TTO% as though someone were working 5 days per week.

I'm sure the answer is straight forward but it would be interesting to know how others apply this!

Thank you in advance.


  • Hi Laura,
    Our calculation (or at least the calculation we've been using prior to the Harpur Trust ruling - now we're scratching our heads a bit) is a bit more complicated. So we calculate what someone working all year round works in hours, minus their holidays and bank holiday entitlement. That comes to something like 1662 hours if I recall correctly. We then calculate what the term time only person will actually be working (part time or full time) and the FTE is then calculated on the fraction against the 1662. This takes account of any additional hours/days worked in the school holidays, and ensures that everyone gets (got) a fair allocation of holiday and bank holiday hours paid. With Harpur Trust however, all that's up in the air.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thank you for your reply Nina; it's all very complicated. I know we've just had a healthy debate about the correct calculations for unpaid leave and starters/leavers part way through a month. It just opens a can of worms with each issue!

    This is certainly helpful though, thank you.