Equal Opportunities Policy

Good morning all 

I'm currently reviewing the Equal Opportunities Policy for a maintained Primary School.  

Would you have one policy covering standards for pupils and employees alike or two separate policies? 

Thanks in advance

Joanne Moss 

  • Hi Joanne

    Whilst haven’t ever been involved in implementing an EO Policy in a school setting, I’d have thought that the staff definitely require something separate and different from the students. Matters such as safeguarding will clearly be paramount both for staff and students but would have thought need to be approached from very different perspectives etc. And that it would needlessly complicate the thing and impair its clarity if you tried to do one size fits all.
  • You will need two separtely thought out policies etc.,
    I assume the pupils won't one which covers recruitment & Interviewing procedures and vis a vis, staff won't need one which covers activities on the play ground? :-)
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Thank you David